சனி, நவம்பர் 23, 2013

மத்திய சங்க செய்திகள்

மத்திய சங்க செய்திகள் 


Corporate office directed all circles to send Data of candidates who got minimum qualifying marks in JAO Part-II LICE against 40% quota but not promoted due to not coming in the merit. Letter No.-4-19/2007-SEA, Dated:-20-11-2013.

Corporate office requested circles to send category wise vacancy position of JAO against 50%,40% and 10% quota as on 30-09-2013. Letter No.-4-6/2013-SEA, dt-20-11-2013. 

Director Finance has told by Monday 25th all circles will get GPF fund.

New Scheme of Bonus/PLI bassed on Performance Management System - inclusion of name of staff side members. Letter No.-1-5/2012-Restg, Dated:-20-11-2013.

Meeting with Director(HR):- President and Secy (Com. Rajmouli) met Director(HR) on 20th 
November, 2013 and raised the following issues:- 

(1) Arbitrary Transfers in Rajasthan. 
(2) LICE JTO result:- The Director(HR) was apprised of that the results in Punjab, Andhra, 
NE-II, Kerala are not being declared although there is no “Stay” by Courts. 
The circle administration at Chhattisgarh has not compensated for the wrong 
questions. Vacancies have also not been carried forward. Union forcefully demanded 
that the examination at Jharkhand should not be cancelled. 
(3) JAO Part-II relaxation:- Director(HR) was requested to hold discussions with the 
Director(F) for settlement of the matter. 
(4) Development and growth meeting on 30th November. The management will give 
presentation about the efforts made by them for growth and development of services. 

(5) National Council meeting:- NFTE again pressed for meeting and new date instead of 17th December is expected.